We are Catholics at Holy Rosary in Dillingham, Saint Theresa in King Salmon/Naknek, Saint Peter the Fisherman in Clarks Point, and at some 30 villages scattered around Bristol Bay and the Aleutian Chain. We have a Priest Pilot who flys the gospel to these remote Alaskan villages. 



Archdiocese of Anchorage-Juneau:

  • 178,000 square miles (twice the size of Texas)
  • 33,000 Catholics
  • 5.4 Catholics per square mile
  • 32 parishes/14 missions
  • 14 Archdiocesan priests, 15 temporary and ordered priests
  • The Saint Paul Mission geographically is the largest mission in the world


  • Roads: No roads to connect some 30 villages in the Saint Paul Mission.
  • Airplanes: Alaskan Bush Villages rely on airplanes for food, supplies, ministry.
  • Geography: Catholics live far apart.
  • Size of Alaska: Cut Alaska in half, then Texas would be the third largest state!
  • Anchorage to Dillingham: 350 miles.
  • Anchorage to Dutch Harbor: 796 miles.
  • Dillingham to King Salmon: 62 miles.
  • Between Villages: There are no roads, telephone poles, stores; only tundra/mountains/lakes/rivers.
  • Weather: Weather is unpredictable, severe, -30 F, gale winds, ice, snow, freezing rain.
  • Culture: Yupik Eskimo, some Hispanic, Filipino, and Caucasian.
  • Mass Frequency: Sometime never, sometime once a year, sometime once a month.


  • $1,050 Commercial travel Anchorage-Dillingham-King Salmon Round Trip.
  • $500 Priest Pilot cost.
  • $1,500 commercial travel Dutch Harbor, Alaska Round Trip.
  • $30,000 per year to budget our Cherokee Warrior II for the Priest Pilot .
  • $12 per gallon Aviation 100LL fuel In Dillingham, Alaska.
  • $3000 Annual Maintenance Inspection.
  • A Priest Pilot, flying a  Cherokee Warrior II, can save half the cost of commercial airfare.


  1. Airplane Fuel: For travel to remote Alaskan villages.
  2. Airplane Maintenance: oil changes, annual inspections, unscheduled maintenance, parts.
  3. Utilities: For electricity for plugging in the airplane engine blanket during the winter.
  4. Parking: For parking at the Dillingham Airport and other transitional parking when traveling.
  5. Airplane Insurance: Avemco Aviation Insurance.

Saint Paul challenges us to "Take the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth." With your donation we can do just that!! Please give generously. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.  We greatly appreciate your support.  Please pray for us!  Peace and God Bless! Fr Scott

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