Father Scott is the Pastor of the Saint Paul Mission home based in Dillingham, Alaska and (unofficially) he ministers to the largest parish in the world. And although geographically he covers a vast area, the total number of families in his parish is approximately 150.
Father Scott's unique mode of transportation is a 160 Cherokee Warrior II which he uses to fly to the many remote areas within his parish. After landing on one of the many dirt airstrips, he is normally picked up on a three wheeler or snowmachine. He is then taken to either a viliager's house, a school, or a cannery to offer Mass and cetechetical instruction. With the unpredictable weather of SW Alaska, Father Scott's schedule is always written lightly in pencil
When not in flight, Father Scott stays busy maintaining a church, rectory, and cemetery on ten acres of property. Within the larger Dillingham community he may be found ministering to a sick person at the Kanakanak hospital , eating lunch at the Dillingham Senior Center, blessing the fishing fleet, or attending an althletic event or graduation ceremony.